Tilted Art

Exploring images in all their forms.

“I paint the world as I see it…”

I paint the world as I see it: A strange mirage of realities. The sad, the beautiful, the ugly, the absurdity of life as it passes through time.

It’s hard to see through all the muck and mire that clouds our existence, so I seek to find those perfect moments that show up unexpectedly, ever so fleeting. I feel as though that’s all we have to hold onto, and hopefully we can notice them when they are presented to us.

I paint in many different mediums and forms because life is not just one color, one shape, or one medium. It’s a jumble, a never ending road towards chaos. That is the human condition. The way of the world.

My Process

Painting is a descent into the insanity that lies just below the surface. Sometimes a painting paints itself and you just let your hand move in that direction.

Portraits are planned and sketched out perfectly in the beginning but then the paint takes over and reveals more of the soul.

Figure painting requires a trained eye. Until you decide to exaggerate the form, that is when it becomes more of a perception than a photo replay.

Cityscapes need to be correct perspectives, so I allow the color to change the scene.

Mixed media collage allows you to create worlds that break the rules of perspective and reality. You can mix the old images with the new and create a piece that’s of today.